Isabel Miranda began her studies related to alternative therapies at the Ogham School in Chile in 2012, where she became certified as a Biomagnetism Therapist. She specialized in different body therapy techniques (massages) at the EMBA school in Santiago, Chile, certifying herself as a Comprehensive Massage Therapist in 2012.

Her work experience began in different spas and this allowed her to recognize that many physical problems were related to other aspects of our physical body, such as spirituality and different levels of consciousness.

In 2014 she studied Thai massage with Maribel Salazar, a recognized chilean therapist and teacher, and obtained her certification with the support of the TMC school (Thai Massage School, Thailand). Later she took different advanced Thai massage courses with Maribel Salazar at the DHARA massage school. Continuing to search for more tools that could help her patients in a deeper way, Isabel studied the chakra system at the Ajna Om school in 2015 and opens her own studio “Alnilam” with the purpose of creating her own therapy treatment identity. In 2019, together with Muriel Mondy and Sylvia Saguir, from Columna Vitae Barcelona, she learns the “Columna Vitae method” by Dr. Mario Fiore, at the Tibetan Osteopathy seminar held in Chile.

In 2020 she traveled to Chicago with the idea of ​​learning English and other techniques that could enrich her practice. Inspired by Masunaga's philosophy, the creator of Zen Shiatsu, a therapy based on Chinese medicine where through acupuncture points it treats different pathologies and imbalances in the body, Isabel studies at the Chicago Zen Shiatsu school. Here she also learns about Chinese medicine and completes 715 hours of training and practice. She obtained her certificate as a Zen Shiatsu graduate in 2024. 

Isabel has trained as a Sound Therapist and provides individual and group sessions. She began her studies in 2015 in Casa del Bowl, Chile. Later she took classes with teacher Miguel Ángel Moya, president of the Latin American Bowl Therapy Association. She also took sound therapy classes with her friend, teacher and mentor from La Luna Medicine.

Currently Isabel carries out personalized and comprehensive work that goes beyond the physical level. She offers different therapies, workshops, sound healing and different activities carried out in nature, as well as providing training for therapists in chakra harmonization in person and online.

I am a stellar seed that is here to remind you of who you are.

"We are stardust covered by skin,
the light that you seek is already within you"
